Email Management

How much time do you spend managing your email? With a rise in spam, junk and cc'd circulars bombarding you daily, it can be hard to see the genuine enquiries and makes it easy for new leads to be missed.

We help clients get on track and finally achieve inbox zero!

You may have heard the term, but never had the time to get there. Our email management service helps take the stress out of your inbox, allowing you to focus your time on taking action rather than getting things in order.

With shared access to your email, we can help you organise and prioritise email so you can quickly and easily see what needs your attention. Filing your emails as they come in, organising by client, service or importance.

Folders can help to keep things on track and ensure you can find what you need at the click of a button. In addition, we can direct emails to other partners or staff members based on your requirements, even replying and following up to clients in your absence to ensure projects remain on track.

Standard responses to requests can help manage turnaround times, whilst unsubscribing will help remove the clutter and give even greater clarity to your inbox.

Every business is different
Here's a quick, rough guide to our service levels and what to expect.



We'll frequently check your email inbox, removing spam or junk emails to keep your inbox manageable



We'll regularly monitor your email inbox and review messages including deleting spam and unsubscribing to lists no longer required. We'll organise your emails and file by chose categories e.g. client, date, service, importance. A reception style service, we can also direct messages, forwarding on to other team members, ideal for sales and shared mailboxes.



Our most comprehensive email inbox management, managing all inbound email, organising as required and directing them to the right people based on task or topic.

In addition, we can respond to emails on your behalf as required with a number of pre-arranged responses - saving you time on managing the most common requests and responses.

Our most popular tasks

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Whatever type of support you need, we're here. Spread your credits across a range of tasks - we're here to support you and your business by tackling your to-do list, whatever that entails.

Laura Parry

Admin Team Leader