Audio Transcriptions

Audio transcriptions can be time consuming. Our audio typing service allows clients to send over their audio files (or in some cases tapes) for us to transcribe and provide as written text.

Keen to work within your existing workflow, you can email files or provide them within a shared cloud workspace, however works best for you. We’ll work through each project and update you when complete.

We're working with clients every day to transcribe calls, video conferences and 1:1 audio material. Provided in a variety of formats and varying levels of complexity, we turn transcriptions around as soon as we are able to.

Audio typing is typically charged by the time taken to transcribe.

Every business is different
Here's a quick, rough guide to our service levels and what to expect.



Short transcribing tasks such as a single online video. Providing you with written captions ready for implementation.



Delivering a few lengthy transcription projects or multiple smaller projects. We'll take your audio or video files and provide the written content in a format most suited for you.



Ideal for larger projects or those who need regular audio transcription support on an ongoing basis.

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Whatever type of support you need, we're here. Spread your credits across a range of tasks - we're here to support you and your business by tackling your to-do list, whatever that entails.

Laura Parry

Admin Team Leader